I'm writing a tool, that fetches the issues on which a user has spent some time within the last week, and displays the spent time for each day and issue as a summary, so that the user knows, where he might have forgotten to book time.
In YouTrack 2018.2 you can search for Issues by work date
which is exactly what I want. Unfortunately the query work date: {Last Week}
only works in a YouTrack instance that has been set to english. But I also need to be able to handle a german instance. The query there would have to be Arbeitsdatum: {Last Week}
The {Last Week}
placeholders seems to be working, even without localization but the field name seems to be different, depending on the installation language.
Is there any generic field name I can use for that? Or at least an API call that allows me to determine the proper fieldname?
If not: is there a List of the field names somewhere publicly available, so that I can provide a mapping depending on the YouTrack installation language?
Any help much appreciated
This seems to be a bug in the current 2018.2 YouTrack version. Actually the search should always work by the english field names.
An issue has been openened at the youtrack bugtracker: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JT-47943