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Composing keys to ES6 Map made of both primitives and objects

ES6 Maps makes it possible to use keys with any value, including functions, objects, and any primitive. I would like to create a combined key with a string and a reference to a DOM-node.

var map = new Map();
var myKey = document.body + 'my string'

map.set(myKey, 'my value')

Obviously this will not work, the addition above will evaluate to [object HTMLBodyElement]my string. How would I go about doing this?


  • You can't do what you literally described, but you can have a map of maps. I'd probably use a WeakMap keyed by the DOM reference (so that it doesn't force the element to remain in memory if it's removed by DOM manipulation), where the value is a Map keyed by the relevant string. E.g.:

    let entriesByElement = new WeakMap();

    Setting an element:

    let map = entriesByElement.get(document.body);
    if (!map) {
        map = new Map();
        entriesByElement.set(document.body, map);
    map.set(keyString, value);

    Getting an element:

    let map = entriesByElement.get(document.body);
    let value = map && map.get(keyString);

    (That example assumes you won't have undefined as a valid stored value.)

    You could wrap that up in a class.


    class ExampleStore {
        constructor() {
            this.entriesByElement = new WeakMap();
        set(element, string, value) {
            let map = this.entriesByElement.get(element);
            if (!map) {
                map = new Map();
                this.entriesByElement.set(element, map);
            map.set(string, value);
        get(element, string) {
            const map = this.entriesByElement.get(element);
            return map && map.get(string);
    const store = new ExampleStore();
    let div1 = document.getElementById("one");
    let div2 = document.getElementById("two");
    store.set(div1, "a", "ayy");
    store.set(div1, "b", "bee");
    store.set(div2, "a", "alpha");
    console.log(store.get(div1, "a")); // "ayy"
    console.log(store.get(div1, "b")); // "bee"
    console.log(store.get(div2, "a")); // "alpha"
    console.log(store.get(div2, "b")); // undefined (doesn't have that entry)
    // Removing div1
    div1 = null;
    console.log(store.get(div1, "a")); // May be undefined, if the element has been
                                       // cleaned up (it is for me on Chrome,
                                       // Firefox and Edge), since we're using a
                                       // WeakMap.
    <div id="one"></div>
    <div id="two"></div>