As per this page Webchat & Directline are considered as premium channels. I want to know the following things:
Good question, can't find this figure easily.
The things that I found around this is in Azure Portal, in the following part:
Cost Management + Billing
> YourSubscription
> Costs by service
I also had a look to my Azure account details as I am administrator of my subscription, and found another graph with the same value:
It's located here:
You can query the transactions history and got an Excel with the daily items. it's more details, for example one line of Premium Channel looks like this:
As you can see in the last column (sorry for the size of the capture) there is 1 line by channel by direction.
The 10K messages/month for free is the sum of all messages sent in Premium channels (combined).
Given the FAQ on pricing page (
What is a message?
Bots communicate with the Bot Service channels by sending Activity objects to the channel endpoint via HTTP POST, and by Activity objects being sent to the Bot’s endpoint via HTTP POST. Each of these Activity POSTs is a message.
=> Each activity in each side is counted as 1 (so it's incoming + outgoing). So when you send a message from your bot with 2 calls to PostAsync (for example 1 with text only and another one with a Carousel of attachments), it's 2 messages.
Moreover, I think that special activities like conversationUpdate
may count on the total.
I guess it is because those channels are maintained by Microsoft, and they provide a SLA on those channels? See here
We guarantee that 99.9% of the time the Azure Bot Service Premium Channels will successfully receive and respond to REST API calls to the Premium Channels API Endpoint.