Here is one for the old(er) hands :-)
I'm reading a binary dump from a mainframe DB2 table. The table has varchar, char, smallint, integer and float columns. To make it interesting, the DB2 uses code page 424 (Hebrew). I need my code to be codepage independent.
So I open the file with a streamreader using System.Text.Encoding like so:
Dim encoding As System.Text.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(20424)
Dim sr As New StreamReader(item.Key, encoding)
and proceed to read the VARCHAR and CHAR data according to their lengths into char arrays using
sr.ReadBlock(buffer, 0, iFieldBufferSize)
Always remembering the first 2 bytes in a VARCHAR column should be discarded and getting the correct string with
SringValue = encoding.GetString(encoding.GetBytes(buffer))
And all is Great!
But now i get to the SMALLINT column, and i'm in trouble. The value of the signed number is stored in 2 bytes, and because its Big endian, i do
Dim buffer(iFieldBufferSize - 1) As Byte
buffer(1) = sr.Read ''switch the bytes around!
buffer(0) = sr.Read
Dim byteBuffer(iFieldBufferSize - 1) As Byte
Dim i16 As Int16 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 0)
and i get wrong numbers! for example, if the bytes are 00 03 i get 0 in buffer(1) and 3 in buffer(0) - good. BUT when the two bytes are 00 20, i get 128 read into buffer(0)!
So after half a day of pulling my hair, i drop the encoder from the streamreader declaration, and now i'm getting 32 read into buffer(0), like it should be!!!
Bottom line, the non stadard codepage encoder messes up the byte readings!!!
Any idea how to get around this?
You can't read something like an EBCDIC file dump as a stream. The StreamReader class is a type of TextReader and exists for reading characters. You're reading a record -- a complex data structure containing mixed binary and text.
You need to do the reads with a FileStream and read blocks of octets as needed. You'll need some trivial helper methods like these:
private byte[] ReadOctets( Stream input , int size )
if ( size < 0 ) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException() ;
byte[] octets = new byte[size] ;
int octets_read = input.Read( octets , 0 , size ) ;
if ( octets_read != size ) throw new InvalidDataException() ;
return octets ;
public string readCharVarying( Stream input )
short size = readShort( input ) ;
return readCharFixed( input , size ) ;
public string readCharFixed( Stream input , int size )
Encoding e = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(20424) ;
byte[] octets = ReadOctets( input , size ) ;
string value = e.GetString( octets ) ;
return value ;
private short readShort( Stream input )
byte[] octets = ReadOctets(input,2) ;
short bigEndianValue = BitConverter.ToInt16(octets,0) ;
short littleEndianValue = System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder( bigEndianValue ) ;
return littleEndianValue ;
private int readInt( Stream input )
byte[] octets = ReadOctets(input,4) ;
int bigEndianValue = BitConverter.ToInt32(octets,0) ;
int littleEndianValue = System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder( bigEndianValue ) ;
return littleEndianValue ;
private long readLong( Stream input )
byte[] octets = ReadOctets(input,8) ;
long bigEndianValue = BitConverter.ToInt64(octets,0) ;
long littleEndianValue = System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder( bigEndianValue ) ;
return littleEndianValue ;
The IBM mainframe typically has fixed or variable length records in its file system. Fixed length is easy: you just need to know the record length and you can read all the bytes for the record in a single call to the Read() method, then convert the pieces as needed.
Variable length records are a little trickier, they start with 4-octet record descriptor word, consisting of 2-octet (16-bit) logical record length, followed by a 2-octet (16-bit) 0 value. the logical record length is exclusive of the 4-octet record descriptor word.
You might also see variable, spanned records. These are similar to variable length records, except that the 4-octet prefix is a segment descriptor word. the first 2 octets contains the segment length, the next octet identifies the segment type and the last octet is NUL (0x00). Segment types are as follows:
You can treat variable length and variable spanned records as identical. To read one of these, you first need to parse out the segment/record/descriptor word and read/assemble the complete record into a byte[] from its constituent segment(s), then do whatever needs to be done to convert that byte[] into a form that you can use.