I am getting below error while accessing spinnaker on private IP.
Failed to load http://privateip:8084/webhooks/preconfigured: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: The value of the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in the response must not be the wildcard '*' when the request's credentials mode is 'include'. Origin 'http://privateip:9000' is therefore not allowed access. The credentials mode of requests initiated by the XMLHttpRequest is controlled by the withCredentials attribute.
I have added base url by using below hal config command.
hal config security ui edit --override-base-url "privateip"
hal config security api edit --override-base-url "privateip"
Does anyone know how to fix above error
You could try something like this:
hal config security api edit --cors-access-pattern privateip
No double quotes needed.
Check here the docs: https://www.spinnaker.io/reference/halyard/commands/#hal-config-security-api-edit