In all of the fabric examples and documentation, usually there is a unique private certificate authority issuing certificates for each organization. However, playing around with the code base, I do not see a limitation that different orgs need to each have different Root CAs.
Is there an issue with having the same Root CA for multiple organizations? Can the subject fields in the certificates be sufficient to use for identity verification in different fabric workflows?
If you want to ensure that one organization does not masquerade as another, there must be something unique about the certificates that are issued by or for an organization. Of course the easiest way to handle this is to have a separate root CA per organization. It's also possible to have a common root but have different intermediate CAs for each organization.
But given your question is about basically using a single fabric-ca to issue certificates for multiple organizations, this is possible using the Organization Unit (OU) identifier feature introduced in v1.1 and later. Basically, you can differentiate organizations using an OU in the issued certificates. With Fabric CA v1.1 and later, you can create different affiliations for each organization and when certificates are issued, the OU will be set to the affiliation associated with the identity during the registration process. You can either trust a single admin to properly register identities for multiple organizations, or you can create an hierarchical set of admins (meaning create multiple CA admins but assign each a different affiliation as admins can only register users under their own affiliation).
Then within your MSP definitions, you can using the config.yaml file to specify the OU with which to associate the MSP. For example, if you look at, then
- Certificate: "cacerts/cacert.pem"
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: "COP"
means that this org is identified by the root CA PLUS having OU=COP in the certificates. This would also mean that the affiliation within fabric-ca would be "COP" as well