I'm working on a program that plays music and also plays a sound effect if you push a button. I was planning on making it so that it could work on any computer, with any sound effect and music file. So I tried making it an .exe
with cx_freeze
, but it just opens command prompt for a split second and then closes it again. Any tips?
import pygame, time
import tkinter as tk
from pygame.locals import *
print ("WARNING: The program only accepts .wav files.")
musicDir = input("What is the FULL address of the music? (e.g C:\\Me\\Music\\music.wav) ")
soundDir = input("What is the FULL address of the music? (e.g C:\\Me\\Music\\sound.wav) ")
pygame.init() # initialize the pygame
soundObj = pygame.mixer.Sound(musicDir)
def playSound():
soundObj = pygame.mixer.Sound(soundDir)
root = tk.Tk()
frame = tk.Frame(root)
button = tk.Button(frame,
sound = tk.Button(frame,
text="Play Sound Effect",
instruction = tk.Button(root,
text="Program by Will but really I just wanted another button because it looked cool.",
I am unable to do the same with cx_freeze, and my code works perfectly without the .exe. I have tried a few things on the internet, to solve the issue but in vain.
But, if you really want to make a .exe, one of the best options out there is pyinstaller. I use it all the time.
To install:
sudo -H pip3 install pyinstaller
To use:
pyinstaller test_file.py
After that is done, go to the "dist" directory and enter the folder named after your project. In there, there will be quite a lot of files. But, there will be one .exe file, the one that you need. So, click on it to run.
If you want to input the address of a file don't use an entry, use the following (it looks good, and there will be no errors):
from tkinter import filedialog as fd
filename = fd.askopenfilename()
if filename:
print (filename)
Hope this helps.