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How can I use Git token to access private repository with Travis CI / Cloudfoundry?


CF CLI version cf version

cf version 6.37.0+a40009753.2018-05-25

Buildpack version

- path: .
  memory: 2048M
  instances: 1
  buildpack: nodejs_buildpack
  name: kpb-singlenode-api-tmp
  command: node server.js
  disk_quota: 2048M
./Bluemix_CLI/bin/ibmcloud config --check-version false
./Bluemix_CLI/bin/ibmcloud api $API_ENDPOINT
./Bluemix_CLI/bin/ibmcloud login --apikey $API_KEY
./Bluemix_CLI/bin/ibmcloud target -o $IBMCLOUD_ORGANIZATION -s $IBMCLOUD_SPACE
./Bluemix_CLI/bin/ibmcloud app push kpb-node-api
language: node_js
  - '8'
script: echo "skipping tests"
  - curl -L | tar -zx
  - chmod -R u+x ./Bluemix_CLI/bin
  - chmod +x ./
  provider: script
  script: ./
    repo: myrepo/kpb-node-api
    branch: master
  skip_cleanup: true


I'm just trying to push my application on IBM Cloud (cloudfoundry) but I am using private repositories on github Enterprise hence cf (cloudfoundry) building agent fails npm install as it tries login/password connection (which is denied) while it should use a Git token...

The build is automated with Travis CI.

Expected behavior

Cloudfoundry (or Travis?) agent should use git token while running npm install

Actual behavior

It sticks to login/password credentials so github throws you should use git token or ssh key instead

As far as I know the problem is that we are using a private repository, declared like this: git+ (we can't use npm publish etc...) The error will be thrown while cloudfoundry tries to npm install the private repository with login/password credentials

This is my error logs:

npm ERR! Error while executing:
npm ERR! /usr/bin/git ls-remote -h -t
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! remote: Password authentication is not available for Git operations.
npm ERR! remote: You must use a personal access token or SSH key.
npm ERR! remote: See or
npm ERR! fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! exited with error code: 128
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/travis/.npm/_logs/2018-06-26T10_31_07_934Z-debug.log

I'm digging on .bashrc to maybe set the vars via git config --global git.token

Thank you for helping, have a nice day!


  • So you just have to add the following:

      - echo -e "machine\n  login $GIT_TOKEN" > ~/.netrc

    to your .travis.yml

    Solution kind of came by itself, from Travis docs

    enter image description here

    This table is pretty explicit in terms of access, as I was digging into fetching all my private modules with SSH Deploy Key method (git+ssh://, it cames pretty difficult to get all the repos with a single SSH key...

    Hence they suggest the User Key method which is the best but that I can't apply because of GitHub Enterprise which binds 1 company mail address to 1 GHubE account (SAML stuff)

    Like I was saying in my post I wasn't able to provide the right creds the right way I didn't figure out that a .netrc file exists according to Password and API token methods

    Apparently it sets travis agent to use the desired login type (except for ssh)!

    Big thanks to @DanielMikusa for his help!