I haven't seen any posts pertaining to my issue, so I apologize if I post a question already asked.
I have a windows form program, c#, that checks stocks and does analysis. The main form launches another form, via a new thread and ShowDialog. While it's loading, it's running a parallel.foreach. In that parallel.foreach, I'd like to show progress on the main form.
I've run into cross-threading issues, and added invoke, although it doesn't appear to be thread-safe as it seems to be deadlocking toward the end of the parallel.foreach. I've tried delegates, events, no luck. Help me Obi-Wans, you're my only hope!
Stripped down version:
Main form
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
YearLows yearLows = new YearLows();
Thread yearLowsThread = new Thread(() => StartYearLows(yearLows));
btnGetYearLows.Enabled = false;
private void StartYearLows(YearLows yearLows)
public void UpdateProgress(string text)
lblProgress.Text = text;
2nd form dialog
public partial class YearLows : Form
private void YearLows_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// work
Parallel.ForEach(responseStocks, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxThreads }, x =>
// more work
UpdateProgress($"{stocksProcessed} / {stocksTotal} Researched");
private void UpdateProgress(string text)
Invoke(new Action(() => frmMain.UpdateProgress(text)));
Update 1: If I move the progress update label to the child form, it appears I am getting all the progress updates. I had to move from the Load event to the Shown event so that the form renders, so users can see the progress updates. I had to follow SLaks advice though and run Task.Run(() => Parallel.ForEach. This will work for me. Would still like to figure out why it still locks up toward the end if I wanted the progress updates on the main form. (I've always read async void was bad, but I guess no way around this in these defined method signatures in winforms)
public partial class YearLows : Form
private async void YearLows_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
await AnalyzeStocks();
private async Task AnalyzeStocks(object sender, EventArgs e)
// work
await Task.Run(() => Parallel.ForEach(responseStocks, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = MaxThreads }, x =>
// more work
UpdateProgress($"{stocksProcessed} / {stocksTotal} Researched");
private void UpdateProgress(string text)
Invoke(new Action(() => lblProgress.UpdateProgress(text)));
is a blocking call; it runs delegates on the calling thread too. Therefore, the UI cannot update until it finishes.
Instead, you should use await
with Task.WhenAll
(if you're doing async work) or Task.Run(() => Parallel.ForEach(...))
(if it's CPU-bound) so that you leave the UI thread idle and able to update.