I try to find out memory leaks using CRT. I'm using Visual Studio 2017 Community. I followed the official help, but its not working.
I tried different inputs in Watch window. That's what I get:
_crtBreakAlloc identifier "_crtBreakAlloc" is undefined
I tried suggestions I've found in another question and got the same results:
(int*){,,ucrtbased.dll}_crtBreakAlloc identifier "_crtBreakAlloc" is undefined
(int*){,,ucrtbased.dll}__crtBreakAlloc identifier "__crtBreakAlloc" is undefined
Debug build, runtime library Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd).
I tried calling function _CrtSetBreakAlloc
and it works.
So is re-compiling and calling this function the only option? Or am I missing something obvious?
Make sure symbols are loaded (Tools / Options / Debugging / Symbols).