I'm trying to use the following script to replace each value in a field with the Trim
med version of itself. The script runs fine, but I export all records afterwards and I still see white space - am I missing something?
Go to Record/Request/Page [First]
Exit Loop If [Let($c=$c+1;$c>Get(FoundCount))]
Set Field [MyDataBase::MyField; Trim ( MyDataBase::MyField )]
Commit Records/Requests [With dialog:On]
End Loop
Figured it out - I was missing a Go to Record/Request/Page [ Next ]
inside my loop. Final working code is:
Go to Record/Request/Page [First]
Exit Loop If [Let($c=$c+1;$c>Get(FoundCount))]
Set Field [MyDataBase::MyField; Trim ( MyDataBase::MyField )]
Commit Records/Requests [With dialog:On]
Go to Record/Request/Page [ Next ]
End Loop