Search code examples

Submitting a search in website with Jsoup

I want to create an app that allows me to search for a city in this weather site. I would like you to return the site corresponding to the search performed. I tried to do this with an EditText and a Button, but the search does not seem to work, because the page returned is the same as the initial one.

How can I solve this problem?

This is my code:

final EditText editText = findViewById(;
        final TextView textView = findViewById(;
        Button button = findViewById(;
        button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            Connection.Response res = null;
            Document doc;
            public void onClick(View v) {
                try {
                    doc = Jsoup.connect("")
                            .data("citta", "bari")

                } catch (IOException e) {

This is the site's HTML code:

<div id="search">
<a id="search-logo" href="" title="IL Meteo - Home Page"></a>
<a id="search-arrow" href="javascript:;" onclick="toggleSearchMenu('main');"></a>
<form id="form-search0" name="search0" action="" method="get" onsubmit="return CheckSearchForm0()">
<input id="search-main" name="citta" value="" size="17" maxlength="64" class="txtSearch" onfocus="this.className='txtSearch';openSearchMenu('main');virginSearch=false;" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.className='txtSearch txtSearchE'" title="Cerca comune o località" autocomplete="Off" tabindex="1" onkeyup="ajax_showOptions(this,'type=IT&amp;sort=smart',event)" type="text">
<a id="search-button" href="javascript:;" onclick="$('#form-search0').submit()"></a>

<div id="fav-search-cont"><span id="fav-search"></span></div>



Thank you all! Your answers have solved my problem :) But I have problems with another weather site. How do I instead from this other site do the same operation as before?

P.S .: the problem of this site is the mandatory click of the city to search and that next to the city in the URL there is a code, like this "".

This is the second site's HTML code:

<div class="pksrc">
			<form class="search-form" onsubmit="return false">
				<fieldset class="icon-lens">
					<input type="hidden" id="searchid" disabled="" value="">
					<input type="hidden" id="searchtarget" value="_blank">
					<input type="text" class="query " id="searchinput" name="search" value="" placeholder="Cerca località" autocomplete="off">
					<input type="submit" value="submit">
			<div id="search-menu"></div>
			<ul id="search-option">
				<li><a href="/meteo/milano-15146" title="Milano">Milano</a></li>
				<li><a href="/meteo/roma-58091" title="Roma">Roma</a></li>
				<li><a href="/meteo/napoli-63049" title="Napoli">Napoli</a></li>


  • Answer for your second question:

    This is the way I found out to navigate to the "city" page you want to search.

    Step 1:

    Pass the starting letter of the city to the request and get a JSON response.

    Ex: If you want to search "Milano", then get the results for letter "m" using this URL

    The sample JSON response is:

      "url": [
          "ita": "meteo",
          "sea": "meteo-mare",
          "ski": "meteo-montagna",
          "eur": "meteo",
          "wor": "meteo"
      "results": [
          "code": "15146",
          "value": "Milano (MI)",
          "value_it": "milano",
          "value_en": "milan",
          "url": "ita"
          "code": "20030",
          "value": "Mantova (MN)",
          "value_it": "mantova",
          "value_en": "mantua",
          "url": "ita"

    From the JSON response get the milano city's code & value_it Ex: code=15146 & value_it=milano


    Construct the URL using retrieved values. Ex:

    Example for Comacchio city:

    Request URL :

    JSON Response:

          "code": "38006",
          "value": "Comacchio (FE)",
          "value_it": "comacchio",
          "value_en": "comacchio",
          "url": "ita"

    Construct URL using JSON values: