I'm trying to set a simple cookie at the beginning (according to the PHP manual):
function set_cookie() {
if( !isset($_COOKIE['mycookie']) ){
$value = hash( 'md5', time () . '21mondo13' );
if ( setcookie( 'mycookie', $value, time() + 60*60*24*7 ) ) {
$_COOKIE['mycookie'] = $value;
echo 'cookie set';
} else {
echo'cookie NOT set';
add_action( 'init', 'set_cookie' );
but the output is always 'cookie set' even reloading the page or going on a different page. I checked the browsercookies and Ican't find "mycookie"cookie.
Any ideas?
Use this format:
setcookie('mycookie', $value, time() + 60*60*24*7, '/', null, 0);