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Cannot convert value of type 'Date' to expected argument type 'Date'

In playgrounds this code works great and I get the expected output exactly as I want, but when I go put it in my Xcode project I get 3 warning with my startDate saying

Cannot convert value of type 'Date' to expected argument type 'Date'

Here is my code:

let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "MMMM, dd yyyy"
    let date = "June, 27 2018")

    if let date = date {
        let calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)

        var startDate : Date = Date()
        var interval : TimeInterval = 0

        if calendar.dateInterval(of: .weekOfYear, start: &startDate, interval: &interval, for: date) {
            let daysToAdd = 6
            var dateComponent = DateComponents()

   = daysToAdd

            let futureDate = dateComponent, to: startDate)

            let dateFormatter1 = DateFormatter()
            dateFormatter1.dateFormat = "MMMM dd-"
            let dateFormatter2 = DateFormatter()
            let startWeek = dateFormatter1.string(from: startDate)
            dateFormatter2.dateFormat = "dd"
            let endWeek = dateFormatter2.string(from: futureDate!)
            results = "\(startWeek)\(endWeek)"

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  • The green text color on Date type in

    var startDate : Date = Date()

    means that you have your own class/struct that is called Date. That one cannot be converted to Foundation.Date.

    It's not a good idea to create this kind of name conflict in the first place but you can fix it just using the full name:

    var startDate = Foundation.Date()