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Invalid object name in a XML Path / Stuff combination

I am trying to get some values from different rows into a single column, and I keep getting this error :

Invalid object name 't'

The query is rather big and complicated so I narrowed it down to a simple part that still gives me the error.

   IDs = stuff( ( select ',' + convert(varchar, t2.ChassisID)
                  from   t as t2
                  where  t2.ChassisID = 42 --t.ChassisID
                  for XML path('')
                , 1, 1, '' 
from   ( select ch.ChassisID, p.GPS 
         from   tblChassis ch
           inner join tblPlace p on ch.BestemmingID = p.PlaceID
       ) t        
group by t.Gps

I tried changing the where clause to a fixed number (42) instead of t.ChassidID and still get the error, so there is only one place left that could cause the error I assume, but I cant see why.

I probably am missing something simple but I just cannot see it.
What is wrong with this query ?

I am using Sql Server 2014


  • Try declaring your filtered table in a CTE, then referencing this CTE both times.

    ;WITH FilteredChassis AS 
            tblChassis ch
            inner join tblPlace p on ch.BestemmingID = p.PlaceID
       IDs = stuff( ( select ',' + convert(varchar, t2.ChassisID)
                      from   FilteredChassis as t2
                      where  t2.Gps = t.Gps
                      for XML path('')
                    , 1, 1, '' 
        FilteredChassis AS t
    group by 

    I've made the link through gps, I believe that's what you need.