I'm using a QWebEngineView widget with PyQt5 and Python 3.6. I want to show progress, when a page is loading. For demonstration purposes I just do this using print statements (later I want to let a progress bar widget appear, show the progress and disappear when done).
I connected to the events loadStarted, loadProgress, loadFinished.
Code looks like this (self.browser is the QWebEngineView widget):
def loadStartedHandler(self):
print(time.time(), ": load started")
def loadProgressHandler(self, prog):
print(time.time(), ":load progress", prog)
def loadFinishedHandler(self):
print(time.time(), ": load finished")
# ....
self.browser.loadStarted.connect(lambda: self.loadStartedHandler())
self.browser.loadProgress.connect(lambda: self.loadProgressHandler(42))
self.browser.loadFinished.connect(lambda: self.loadFinishedHandler())
Now, of course, instead of the number 42 I would like to get the actual progress value of the loadProgress event. How do I get this?
Sorry, if this question is dumb. I'm a newbee and I just can't translate it to Python from the C++ documentation. (Unfortunately, I can't find decent Python docu for Qt.)
It is not necessary to pass a lambda, you can connect it directly using the new connection syntax:
def loadStartedHandler(self):
print(time.time(), ": load started")
def loadProgressHandler(self, prog):
print(time.time(), ":load progress", prog)
def loadFinishedHandler(self):
print(time.time(), ": load finished")
import sys
import time
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets, QtWebEngineWidgets
class Widget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(Widget, self).__init__()
lay = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self)
self.browser = QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView()
def loadStartedHandler(self):
print(time.time(), ": load started")
def loadProgressHandler(self, prog):
print(time.time(), ":load progress", prog)
def loadFinishedHandler(self):
print(time.time(), ": load finished")
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
view = Widget()