Imagine this template...
<li *ngFor="random"></li>
...and a MutationObserver "listening" to its changes:
observer.observe(this.el, { characterData: true, subtree: true });
Now every time this template renders, the observer reacts correctly. But it does not, when I modify the content "by hand":
this.el.innerHTML = "<li>Another item</li>";
This is probably because Angular has much more clever ways to modify the DOM.
But just how exactly does Angular do it - in one line of code? Especially that "characterData" changes are getting triggered?
As @wOxxOm said if you use characterData: true
option then the changes will be only triggered if you assign to an element's text node's nodeValue
Angular uses #comment node for embedded views.
And angular assigns some meta information to this node
which causes the changes in MutationObserver to be triggered.