Search code examples

Alternate of offset in sql server

I have below stored procedure in sql server 2016, its working fine there.

Now I need to create the same sp in sql 2008, now I am getting error :

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure GetEmployees, Line 41 [Batch Start Line 0] Incorrect syntax near 'OFFSET'. Msg 153, Level 15, State 2, Procedure GetEmployees, Line 42 [Batch Start Line 0] Invalid usage of the option NEXT in the FETCH statement.

How to modify the same proc so that it can run over sql 2008 as well.

 --dbo.GetEmployees '',2,2  
    CreatePROCEDURE [dbo].GetEmployees    
     @SearchValue NVARCHAR(50) = '',    
     @PageNo INT = 0,    
     @PageSize INT = 10,    
     @SortColumn NVARCHAR(20) = 'Name',    
     @SortOrder NVARCHAR(20) = 'ASC'    
     AS BEGIN    
     SET NOCOUNT ON;    
     if @PageNo<0 set @PageNo=0   
     set @PageNo=@PageNo+1  
     SET @SearchValue = LTRIM(RTRIM(@SearchValue))    
     Set @SearchValue= nullif(@SearchValue,'')    
     ; WITH CTE_Results AS     
        SELECT EmployeeID, Name, City from tblEmployee     
     WHERE (@SearchValue IS NULL OR Name LIKE '%' + @SearchValue + '%')     
           ORDER BY    
      CASE WHEN (@SortColumn = 'EmployeeID' AND @SortOrder='ASC')    
                        THEN EmployeeID    
            END ASC,    
            CASE WHEN (@SortColumn = 'EmployeeID' AND @SortOrder='DESC')    
                       THEN EmployeeID    
           END DESC,    

         CASE WHEN (@SortColumn = 'Name' AND @SortOrder='ASC')    
                        THEN Name    
            END ASC,    
            CASE WHEN (@SortColumn = 'Name' AND @SortOrder='DESC')    
                       THEN Name    
      END DESC,    

      CASE WHEN (@SortColumn = 'City' AND @SortOrder='ASC')    
                        THEN City    
            END ASC,    
            CASE WHEN (@SortColumn = 'City' AND @SortOrder='DESC')    
                       THEN City    
      END DESC     
          OFFSET @PageSize * (@PageNo - 1) ROWS    
          FETCH NEXT @PageSize ROWS ONLY    
    CTE_TotalRows AS     
     select count(EmployeeID) as MaxRows from tblEmployee WHERE (@SearchValue IS NULL OR Name LIKE '%' + @SearchValue + '%')    
       Select MaxRows TotalRecords, t.EmployeeID, t.Name, t.City,t.Department,t.Gender from dbo.tblEmployee as t, CTE_TotalRows     
       WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM CTE_Results WHERE CTE_Results.EmployeeID = t.EmployeeID)    


  • You need a row_number() window function and in the OVER section you want to put your entire sorting expression. Note that I've created another CTE for readability, but you could get the same thing done with just a subquery.

    Formatted code for the SELECT statement would be the following:

    WITH CTE_Rownums AS (
        row_number() over ( ORDER BY ... ) as rn -- put your entire order by here
      FROM tblEmployee     
        @SearchValue IS NULL 
        OR Name LIKE '%' + @SearchValue + '%'
    ), CTE_Results AS (    
      SELECT EmployeeID, Name, City
      FROM CTE_Rownums
        (rn > @PageSize * (@PageNo - 1)
        AND (rn <= @PageSize * @PageNo)
      ORDER BY rn   
     ), CTE_TotalRows AS (    
      SELECT count(EmployeeID) as MaxRows
      FROM tblEmployee 
      @SearchValue IS NULL 
      OR Name LIKE '%' + @SearchValue + '%'
    SELECT MaxRows TotalRecords, t.EmployeeID, t.Name, t.City,t.Department,t.Gender
    FROM dbo.tblEmployee as t
    CROSS JOIN CTE_TotalRows     
      SELECT 1 
      FROM CTE_Results
      WHERE CTE_Results.EmployeeID = t.EmployeeID

    In the last SELECT I've replaced comma separated where clause with CROSS JOIN.