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Python setuptools: first build from sources then install

I am having some trouble understanding some of the basic paradigms around setuptools and am hoping to get some help understanding some of the principals and options surrounding setuptools for python.

Currently, I am working on a cross platform implementation of the blender as a python module build cycle, such that bpy.pyd/ could be installed from pip.

I am successfully able to perform this build process from Windows. You can check out the repo here:

My primary concerns are as follows:

1) I have supplementary files to facilitate building for different system architectures; I want to upload these to pypi, not the built binaries

2) The supplementary files should not live inside the package when it is installed, they are only relevant during the setup/ build process

3) Currently, the way that the setup script works, is that it builds the modules, then sneakily copies the built files into the site-packages and executable directory for the given python environment. My concern here is: how, when the user runs py -m pip uninstall blenderpy will the package manager know to grab these files and remove them?

4) What is the correct way to package such a module as this?

I think my primary disconnect is coming from the fact that I would be using pypi as a build script delivery system, where the actual module that I intend to install is not present until midway through the execution.

So how could I install these utilities onto a user's machine, run them, and have my resultant built bpy.pyd be the source for my package?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: I feel I should mention that I read through the following post and, while it seems related it seems to be talking more about 'extras' handlers and the internals of setuptools rather than talking about installing a compiled library that's controlled by python build scripts.

Python setuptools/distutils custom build for the `extra` package with Makefile


  • UPDATED 28th July, 2018 for multiple improvements that I found.

    I ended up finding through a lot of research and a lot of trial-and-error what I needed to do to accomplish my goal.

    In the end, the solution ended up looking almost exactly like what hoefling over at this question ended up doing:

    Extending setuptools extension to use CMake in

    1) Extend the setuptools.Extension class with a class of my own, which does not contain entries for the sources or libs properties

    2) Extend the setuptools.commands.build_ext.build_ext class with a class of my own, which has a custom method which performs my necessary build steps (git, svn, cmake, cmake --build)

    3) Extend the distutils.command.install_data.install_data class (yuck, distutils... however there doesn't seem to be a setuputils equivalent) with a class of my own, to mark the built binary libraries during setuptools' record creation (installed-files.txt) such that

    • The libraries will be recorded and will be uninstalled with pip uninstall bpy
    • The command py bdist_wheel will work natively as well, and can be used to provide precompiled versions of your source code

    4) Extend the setuptools.command.install_lib.install_lib class with a class of my own, which will ensure that the built libraries are moved from their resultant build folder into the folder that setuptools expects them in (on Windows it will put the .dll files in a bin/Release folder and not where setuptools expects it)

    5) Extend the setuptools.command.install_scripts.install_scripts class with a class of my own such that the scripts files are copied to the correct directory (Blender expects the 2.79 or whatever directory to be in the scripts location)

    6) After the build steps are performed, copy those files into a known directory that setuptools will copy into the site-packages directory of my environment. At this point the remaining setuptools and distutils classes can take over writing the installed-files.txt record and will be fully removable!

    You can check out the up to date repository here:

    Here is a snapshot of what I ended up with:

    Build blender into a python module
    from distutils.command.install_data import install_data
    import os
    import pathlib
    from setuptools import find_packages, setup, Extension
    from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext
    from setuptools.command.install_lib import install_lib
    from setuptools.command.install_scripts import install_scripts
    import shutil
    import struct
    import sys
    from typing import List
    PYTHON_EXE_DIR = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
    BLENDER_GIT_REPO_URL = 'git://'
    BLENDERPY_DIR = os.path.join(pathlib.Path.home(), ".blenderpy")
    BITS = struct.calcsize("P") * 8
    LINUX_BLENDER_BUILD_DEPENDENCIES = ['build-essential']
    LINUX_BLENDER_ADDTL_DEPENDENCIES = ['libfreetype6-dev', 'libglew-dev',
                                        'libglu1-mesa-dev', 'libjpeg-dev',
                                        'libpng12-dev', 'libsndfile1-dev',
                                        'libx11-dev', 'libxi-dev',
                                        # How to find current Python version best 
                                        # guess and install the right one?
                                        # TODO: Update the above for a more 
                                        # maintainable way of getting correct 
                                        # Python version
                                        'libalut-dev', 'libavcodec-dev', 
                                        'libavdevice-dev', 'libavformat-dev', 
                                        'libavutil-dev', 'libfftw3-dev',
                                        'libjack-dev', 'libmp3lame-dev',
                                        'libopenal-dev', 'libopenexr-dev',
                                        'libopenjpeg-dev', 'libsdl1.2-dev',
                                        'libswscale-dev', 'libtheora-dev',
                                        'libtiff5-dev', 'libvorbis-dev',
                                        'libx264-dev', 'libspnav-dev']
    class CMakeExtension(Extension):
        An extension to run the cmake build
        def __init__(self, name, sources=[]):
            super().__init__(name = name, sources = sources)
    class InstallCMakeLibsData(install_data):
        Just a wrapper to get the install data into the egg-info
        def run(self):
            Outfiles are the libraries that were built using cmake
            # There seems to be no other way to do this; I tried listing the
            # libraries during the execution of the but
            # setuptools never tracked them, seems like setuptools wants to
            # track the libraries through package data more than anything...
            # help would be appriciated
            self.outfiles = self.distribution.data_files
    class InstallCMakeLibs(install_lib):
        Get the libraries from the parent distribution, use those as the outfiles
        Skip building anything; everything is already built, forward libraries to
        the installation step
        def run(self):
            Copy libraries from the bin directory and place them as appropriate
            self.announce("Moving library files", level=3)
            # We have already built the libraries in the previous build_ext step
            self.skip_build = True
            bin_dir = self.distribution.bin_dir
            libs = [os.path.join(bin_dir, _lib) for _lib in 
                    os.listdir(bin_dir) if 
                    os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bin_dir, _lib)) and 
                    os.path.splitext(_lib)[1] in [".dll", ".so"]
                    and not (_lib.startswith("python") or _lib.startswith("bpy"))]
            for lib in libs:
                shutil.move(lib, os.path.join(self.build_dir,
            # Mark the libs for installation, adding them to 
            # distribution.data_files seems to ensure that setuptools' record 
            # writer appends them to installed-files.txt in the package's egg-info
            # Also tried adding the libraries to the distribution.libraries list, 
            # but that never seemed to add them to the installed-files.txt in the 
            # egg-info, and the online recommendation seems to be adding libraries 
            # into eager_resources in the call to setup(), which I think puts them 
            # in data_files anyways. 
            # What is the best way?
            self.distribution.data_files = [os.path.join(self.install_dir, 
                                            for lib in libs]
            # Must be forced to run after adding the libs to data_files
    class InstallBlenderScripts(install_scripts):
        Install the scripts available from the "version folder" in the build dir
        def run(self):
            Copy the required directory to the build directory and super().run()
            self.announce("Moving scripts files", level=3)
            self.skip_build = True
            bin_dir = self.distribution.bin_dir
            scripts_dirs = [os.path.join(bin_dir, _dir) for _dir in
                            os.listdir(bin_dir) if
                            os.path.isdir(os.path.join(bin_dir, _dir))]
            for scripts_dir in scripts_dirs:
            # Mark the scripts for installation, adding them to 
            # distribution.scripts seems to ensure that the setuptools' record 
            # writer appends them to installed-files.txt in the package's egg-info
            self.distribution.scripts = scripts_dirs
    class BuildCMakeExt(build_ext):
        Builds using cmake instead of the python setuptools implicit build
        def run(self):
            Perform build_cmake before doing the 'normal' stuff
            for extension in self.extensions:
                if == "bpy":
        def build_cmake(self, extension: Extension):
            The steps required to build the extension
            # We import the setup_requires modules here because if we import them
            # at the top this script will always fail as they won't be present
            from git import Repo
            self.announce("Preparing the build environment", level=3)
            blender_dir = os.path.join(BLENDERPY_DIR, "blender")
            build_dir = pathlib.Path(self.build_temp)
            extension_path = pathlib.Path(self.get_ext_fullpath(
            os.makedirs(blender_dir, exist_ok=True)
            os.makedirs(build_dir, exist_ok=True)
            os.makedirs(extension_path.parent.absolute(), exist_ok=True)
            # Now that the necessary directories are created, ensure that OS 
            # specific steps are performed; a good example is checking on linux 
            # that the required build libraries are in place.
            if sys.platform == "win32": # Windows only steps
                import svn.remote
                import winreg
                vs_versions = []
                for version in [12, 14, 15]:
                if not vs_versions:
                    raise Exception("Windows users must have Visual Studio 2013 "
                                    "or later installed")
                svn_lib = (f"win{'dows' if BITS == 32 else '64'}"
                           f"{'_vc12' if max(vs_versions) == 12 else '_vc14'}")
                svn_url = (f""
                svn_dir = os.path.join(BLENDERPY_DIR, "lib", svn_lib)
                os.makedirs(svn_dir, exist_ok=True)
                self.announce(f"Checking out svn libs from {svn_url}", level=3)
                    blender_svn_repo = svn.remote.RemoteClient(svn_url)
                except Exception as e:
                    self.warn("Windows users must have the svn executable "
                              "available from the command line")
                    self.warn("Please install Tortoise SVN with \"command line "
                              "client tools\" as described here")
                    raise e
            elif sys.platform == "linux": # Linux only steps
                # TODO: Test linux environment, issue #1
                import apt
                apt_cache = apt.cache.Cache()
                # We need to re-open the apt-cache after performing the update to use the
                # Updated cache, otherwise we will still be using the old cache see: 
                for build_requirement in LINUX_BLENDER_BUILD_DEPENDENCIES:
                    required_package = apt_cache[build_requirement]
                    if not required_package.is_installed:
                        # Committing the changes to the cache could fail due to 
                        # privilages; maybe we could try-catch this exception to 
                        # elevate the privilages
                        self.announce(f"Build requirement {build_requirement} "
                                      f"installed", level=3)
                self.announce("Installing linux additional Blender build "
                              "dependencies as necessary", level=3)
                    automated_deps_install_script = os.path.join(BLENDERPY_DIR, 
                    self.warn("Could not automatically install linux additional "
                              "Blender build dependencies, attempting manual "
                    for addtl_requirement in LINUX_BLENDER_ADDTL_DEPENDENCIES:
                        required_package = apt_cache[addtl_requirement]
                        if not required_package.is_installed:
                            # Committing the changes to the cache could fail due to privilages
                            # Maybe we could try-catch this exception to elevate the privilages
                            self.announce(f"Additional requirement "
                                          f"{addtl_requirement} installed",
                    self.announce("Blender additional dependencies installed "
                                  "manually", level=3)
                    self.announce("Blender additional dependencies installed "
                                  "automatically", level=3)
            elif sys.platform == "darwin": # MacOS only steps
                # TODO: Test MacOS environment, issue #2
            # Perform relatively common build steps
            self.announce(f"Cloning Blender source from {BLENDER_GIT_REPO_URL}",
                blender_git_repo = Repo(blender_dir)
                Repo.clone_from(BLENDER_GIT_REPO_URL, blender_dir)
                blender_git_repo = Repo(blender_dir)
            self.announce(f"Updating Blender git submodules", level=3)
            blender_git_repo.git.submodule('update', '--init', '--recursive')
            for submodule in blender_git_repo.submodules:
                submodule_repo = submodule.module()
            self.announce("Configuring cmake project", level=3)
            self.spawn(['cmake', '-H'+blender_dir, '-B'+self.build_temp,
                        '-DWITH_PLAYER=OFF', '-DWITH_PYTHON_INSTALL=OFF',
                        f"{'86' if BITS == 32 else '64'}"])
            self.announce("Building binaries", level=3)
            self.spawn(["cmake", "--build", self.build_temp, "--target", "INSTALL",
                        "--config", "Release"])
            # Build finished, now copy the files into the copy directory
            # The copy directory is the parent directory of the extension (.pyd)
            self.announce("Moving Blender python module", level=3)
            bin_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, 'bin', 'Release')
            self.distribution.bin_dir = bin_dir
            bpy_path = [os.path.join(bin_dir, _bpy) for _bpy in
                        os.listdir(bin_dir) if
                        os.path.isfile(os.path.join(bin_dir, _bpy)) and
                        os.path.splitext(_bpy)[0].startswith('bpy') and
                        os.path.splitext(_bpy)[1] in [".pyd", ".so"]][0]
            shutil.move(bpy_path, extension_path)
            # After build_ext is run, the following commands will run:
            # install_lib
            # install_scripts
            # These commands are subclassed above to avoid pitfalls that
            # setuptools tries to impose when installing these, as it usually
            # wants to build those libs and scripts as well or move them to a
            # different place. See comments above for additional information
          description='Blender as a python module',
          long_description=open("./", 'r').read(),
          keywords="Blender, 3D, Animation, Renderer, Rendering",
          classifiers=["Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",
                       "Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows)",
                       "Intended Audience :: Developers",
                       "License :: OSI Approved :: "
                       "GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3)",
                       "Natural Language :: English",
                       "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows :: Windows 10",
                       "Programming Language :: C",
                       "Programming Language :: C++",
                       "Programming Language :: Python",
                       "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6",
                       "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython",
                       "Topic :: Artistic Software",
                       "Topic :: Education",
                       "Topic :: Multimedia",
                       "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics",
                       "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Modeling",
                       "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering",
                       "Topic :: Games/Entertainment"],
          author='Tyler Gubala',
          author_email='[email protected]',
          setup_requires=["cmake", "GitPython", 'svn;platform_system=="Windows"',
              'build_ext': BuildCMakeExt,
              'install_data': InstallCMakeLibsData,
              'install_lib': InstallCMakeLibs,
              'install_scripts': InstallBlenderScripts