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jquery listen for events in an iframe

I'm making a very simple Rich Text Editor using jquery... I don't want to use a third-party one.

I need to listen for events within an iframe (same domain etc), starting with typing. Apparently I'll need to use bind() a lot.

This is what I've got at the moment which works fine in IE8 (amazingly enough) but not Chrome.

$(function() {
    $('#text').contents().bind("keyup keydown keypress", function(e) {
        var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
        return false;

    <iframe id="text" name="text" src="edit.html"></iframe>

On the key press event above, I will also want to get the current value of 'edit.html' and update a textarea with that value...

Any help would be MUCH appreciated :)

Many thanks

EDIT: to explain further, edit.html is an editable file using "document.body.contentEditable = true;"



edit.html =

<script language="javascript">
    function InitializeIFrame() {
        document.body.contentEditable = true;                         

<body onload="InitializeIFrame();">



  • I seem to recall running into a problem when I was trying to communicate with an iframe (same domain etc). The trick I found is to do the binding inside the frame and bind to functions in the main window. Something like this (in edit.html):

    $('body').bind("keyup keydown keypress", function(e) {
      window.parent && window.parent.funcKey && window.parent.funcKey(e);

    and then in the main page something like:

    function funcKey(e) {
      var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
      return false;

    I realise this does not exactly fit into the way you were trying to do it, but the same effect is achieved. From what I understand of javascript and iframes, in practice it's easier to communicate with a parent than it is to communicate with an iframe. If you really need two-way communication you could (going on the example above) use the return value of the function funcKey() to pass data back into the iframe.