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Multiple inclusion in multiple files

I am making a small game.

In BattleRecord.h:

#ifndef _CHARACTER_H_
#define _CHARACTER_H_
#include "Character.h"

class BattleRecord
    Character Attacker;
    Character Defender;
    Status status;
    int DamageDealt;    
    int GoldEarned;
    int ExpGained;

In Character.h:

#ifndef _EQUIPMENT_H_
#define _EQUIPMENT_H_
#include "Equipment.h"

class BattleRecord;
class Character
BattleRecord AttackEnemy(Character &Enemy);

In BattleRecord.h:

#ifndef _CHARACTER_H_
#define _CHARACTEr_H_
#include "Character.h"

#ifndef _BATLE_RECORD_H_
#define _BATLE_RECORD_H_
#include "BattleRecord.h"

class GUI
//GUI Methods, and two of these:
void ViewStats(Character &Player);
void Report(BattleRecord Record)

The problem here is, my Character.h and BattleRecord.h need to include each other, and this definitely will cause multiple redefinition problem. Therefore, I used forward declaration in Character.h by adding:

class BattleRecord;

The problem is sovled. But then, the GUI.h needs BattleRecord.h again for reporting the battle, so I have to include BattleRecord.h into the GUI.h. I also have to include the Character.h in order to pass into the ViewStat function. I got error and stuck with this up to this piont.


  • You're using inclusion guards wrong. They should appear in the file that you intend to prevent multiple inclusions only, and they should cover the entire file. (not just the includes).

    For example, in BattleRecord.h

    #ifndef _BATTLE_H_
    #define _BATTLE_H_
    #include "Character.h"
    class BattleRecord
        Character Attacker;
        Character Defender;
        Status status;
        int DamageDealt;    
        int GoldEarned;
         int ExpGained;
    #endif // _BATTLE_H_