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What is the best way for implementing something similar to an interface with Ada 95?

I want to implement something similar to an interface using Ada 95 (so the typical OO interfaces are not available). I've done it by using generics and a set of "pointer to method" within a record. The code is below.

EDIT: I know that it can be done by passing subprograms as formal parameters to the generic package, but I would like to avoid passing too many parameters to it.

I think that there must be a much better way for implementing what I want, so I would like if I'm right and, if so, I would like to see an example of code.

The "interface" is declared in a generic package called Drivers. There, there is a record which is meant to contain a variable of a generic type that represents the driver and a record which contains its operations:

    type T is private;
    type Error is private;

package Drivers is

    type Driver is private;

    -- Need to declare these types because I compile with Ada 95.
    type ToStringPtr is access function(self : in T) return String;
    type ReadLinePtr is access procedure(self : in T; buffer : out String; err : out Error);

    type DriverOps is
        to_string_op : ToStringPtr := null;
        read_line_op : ReadLinePtr := null;
    end record;

    function create_driver(underlying : T; ops : DriverOps) return Driver;

    function to_string(self : in Driver) return String;

    procedure read_line(self : in Driver; buffer : out String; err : out Error);

        type Driver is
            underlying : T;
            ops : DriverOps;
        end record;

end Drivers;


package body Drivers is

    function create_driver(underlying : T; ops : DriverOps) return Driver is
        return (underlying, ops);
    end create_driver;

    function to_string(self : in Driver) return String is
        if self.ops.to_string_op /= null then
            return self.ops.to_string_op(self.underlying);
            return "";
        end if;
    end to_string;

    procedure read_line(self : in Driver; buffer : out String; err : out Error) is
        if self.ops.read_line_op /= null then
            self.ops.read_line_op(self.underlying, buffer, err);
            err := NOT_IMPLEMENTED_CODE;
        end if;
    end read_line;

end Drivers;


with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed; 

with Drivers;

procedure main is


    type MyInt is new Integer;

    function to_string(self : in MyInt) return String is
        return Integer'Image( Integer(self) ); --'
    end to_string;

    procedure read_line(self : in MyInt; buffer : out String; err : out Error) is
            Target => buffer,
            Source => "Lets suppose we have read this from a device" & ASCII.LF,
            Pad => ASCII.NUL); 
        err := SUCCESS;
    end read_line;

    package IntDrivers is new Drivers(MyInt, Error, NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
    use IntDrivers;

    underlying : MyInt := 25;

    int_driver_ops : DriverOps := (
        to_string_op => to_string'access, --'
        read_line_op => read_line'access  --'

    my_driver : Driver := create_driver(underlying, int_driver_ops);
    buffer : String(1..256) := (others => Character'Val(0)); --'
    err : Error := SUCCESS;

    read_line(my_driver, buffer, err);
    Put_Line(Error'Image(err)); --'
end main;


  • The only one I known of is described below, and may not be canonical. This is not strictly interface inheritance, but it can put you in the right direction. It requires to use a discriminant tagged record.

    The trick is to define 2 tagged types. One is your classic class definition, the other is used as "interface" inheritance.

    You can then manipulate an object that gives access to the interface contract and the class contract using discriminants. Declaring both in the same package should give you full visibility over private parts, to be confirmed.

    In short :

    type InterfaceX is abstract ....; -- abstract class and services
    type ClassA is tagged ...; -- or is new ....
    type Trick (component : ClassA) is new InterfaceX ...; -- this type gives you access to classA and interfaceX primitives

    Trick object realizes your InterfaceX contract.

    You will have to define instantiaton/accessors to either ClassA object or the Trick object. I think types should also be limited.

    I always hear people call this "Rosen trick", guess it is named after J.-P. Rosen.

    Maybe you will find some more precise answers here