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How to authenticate LDAP properly?

I am working on a project that must use LDAP authentication. I am using the server at after finding the link on Stack Overflow to practice before adding to my Flask application.

If I run the ldapsearch bash command inside of my python code I get a whole bunch of usernames (Tesla etc...) and their associated data (there are no password hashes though). I am able to extract the usernames/user-data as shown here:

username = request.form['username']
password = request.form['password']
cmd = "ldapsearch -h -D cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com -w" + os.environ['LDAP_PWD'] + " -b dc=example,dc=com"
ldap_query = os.popen(cmd).read()
user_str = re.sub("\n", "", ldap_query)
users = user_str.split("#")
user_data = ""
for line in users:
    if username in line:
        user_data = line

But then I realized that I LDAP is not the same as a database. I was hoping to find password hashes that I could use to authenticate a user's login information.

So then I tried the python-ldap3 module:

>>> conn = Connection(server, 'uid=tesla,dc=example,dc=com', 'password', auto_bind=True)
>>> conn.bound
>>> conn.entries

Unfortunately I can't seem to get any data returned in the list after calling conn.entries.

I can see that the ldap3 module binded the connection. Does the ldapsearch command bind as well? If there are no password hashes, how should I authenticate the username/password entered by the user on the client side?

Thank you all very much.


  • If the statement...

    conn.bound == True

    Then the connection has been authenticated via LDAP