It is possible that this question has been asked before but i cannot find it. So if you guys find something similar, please let me know.
According to the following Rule:
fix_body : ident binders (annotation)? (':' term)? ':=' fix_body_term;
I have an optional annotation and an optional Term. The corresponding visitorRule looks like this :
public FixBody visitFix_body(coqParser.Fix_bodyContext ctx)
My Question is how do i find out, if there was a term or not?
There is a method for reaching the term by using ctx.term()
, but when there is no term given, does this method return null
? Or is there a completly different way to approach this? As i am working with a large grammer it will take me a while to test this, otherwise I would have done that.
There is no trap there ...
If the term is optional, you just have to test it before calling the accept(visitor)
In your case
if(ctx.term() != null) ctx.term().accept(new TermVisitor())