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Multiple Calls inside loop

I'm new with Angular so I need some help, My problem is to call http get I use service there is my first get

My first Service

getFirstData() { return this.http.get<FirstDataResults ('', httpOptions);

My component TS file
    data => {
        this.firsobjects = data.results;
    err => console.error(err),
    () => this.getComplementData(this.firstobjects)

Until now always is fine can fetch my data and when it's completed i run the second function called getComplementData

My Second Service

getSecondData(idFirstObject: String) {
    return this.http.get<ComplementDataResults>(
  '' +
  'where={'"idFirstObject":"' + idFirstObject + '"}',

My component TS file

getComplementData(firsobjects) {
this.number = 0;
for (var _i = 0; _i < firsobjects.length; _i++) {[_i].id).subscribe(
        (data) => {
            var a = (data.results);
            this.firsobjects[this.number].complements = a;
        }, err => console.log('error ' + err),
            () => console.log('Ok ')

I Have problem with this second function i can fetch all data but the problem is that the complement data are not ordered from what I understood of the http call inside my loop are parallel so async.

My question is, how I can run my http get inside the loop sync to get ordered results.

Thank you !


  • You should use rxjs' forkJoin

    getComplementData(firsobjects) {
        this.number = 0;
        let calls = [];
        for (var _i = 0; _i < firsobjects.length; _i++) {
            data => { // Note: data is an array now
                var a = (data[0].results);
                this.firsobjects[this.number].complements = a;
            }, err => console.log('error ' + err),
            () => console.log('Ok ')

    Something like that. Enjoy.