I have a binary hash:
var hash = PasswordHash.ArgonHashBinary(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(passwd), salt,StrengthArgon.Interactive)
Please tell me how can I convert byte array returned by method ArgonHashBinary()
so that I can verify my password using ArgonHashStringVerify()
P.S. there is no method that would allow me to verify password directly from binary hash i.e. there is no ArgonHashBinaryVerify()
Contrived example code:
var salt = PasswordHash.ArgonGenerateSalt();
var passwd = "ABCD";
var hash = PasswordHash.ArgonHashBinary(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(passwd), salt,StrengthArgon.Interactive);
if (ArgonHashStringVerify(hash, passwd))
// password match
// error
You pair ArgonHashString()
with ArgonHashStringVerify()
, like in the examples in the unit test:
const string PASSWORD = "gkahjfkjewrykjKJHKJHKJbhuiqyr 8923fhsjfkajwehkjg";
var hash = PasswordHash.ArgonHashString(PASSWORD);
Assert.IsTrue(PasswordHash.ArgonHashStringVerify(hash, PASSWORD));
Note that ArgonHashBinary()
has another use: you use it to generate from a (potentially weak) password a (strong) encryption key that you'll use to encrypt something (a file for example). So it isn't used for password checking.