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How to create clean url for Default page in Yii2 urlManager

My index rules like as below:

    'pattern' => 'page/<page:\d+>',
    'route' => 'site/index',

it work, but in pagination, firest page is example/page/1, i change rules as below:

    'pattern' => 'page/<page:\d+>',
    'route' => 'site/index',
    'defaults' => ['page' => 1],

Now first page has become to

How write rules, to first page in pagination show like


  • As per your question in conjunction with your comments, I suggest that you additionally add a rule for a blank url pattern, i.e. for url with domain only, that is directed to your defaultRoute with a default $page parameter value.

    'rules' => [
            'pattern' => '',
            'route' => 'site/index',
            'defaults' => ['page' => 1],
            'pattern' => 'page/<page:\d+>',
            'route' => 'site/index',

    Then, in your controller action you can test this url rule is working as follows:

    public function actionIndex($page)
        echo '<pre>';
        echo 'site / index / $page ' . print_r($page, true);
        echo '</pre>';

    Also note that you could set the default in the method declaration of your controller action like so:

    public function actionIndex($page = 1)
        echo '<pre>';
        echo 'site / index / $page ' . print_r($page, true);
        echo '</pre>';

    Which would allow you to simplify your config as follows:

    'rules' => [
            'pattern' => '',
            'route' => 'site/index',
            'pattern' => 'page/<page:\d+>',
            'route' => 'site/index',