I would really appreciate help in achieving the correct output, I want to understand how it works and self teach.
I have one table:
I would like to achieve the below results from one query:
user_name | task | CountOftask | SumOftime
U1 1 1 00:15
U2 1 1 00:25
U2 2 1 00:05
U3 2 1 00:20
U3 3 2 00:40
The time field is date/time hh:nn. The date field is irrelevant for the query at this stage - I want all historic data returned.
I would like to see a Count of task, SUM of time and Group by user_name & task, using one query with a sub select, instead of two separate queries.
Thanks for your time
I can create this output, but I use two queries (Q1) to convert the time to integer, summing it. (Q2) using Q1 convert the integer back to time hh:mm.
, task
, Count(task) AS CountOftask
, Sum(CLng(24*60*CDate([time]))) AS time_mins
FROM tasks
GROUP BY user_name, task;
[301 SF count of task].user_name
, [301 SF count of task].task
, [301 SF count of task].CountOftask
, [time_mins]\60 & Format([time_mins] Mod 60,"\:00") AS Time_sum
FROM [301 SF count of task]
I would like to be able to do this in one query, any advice is appreciated.
Try with:
Max(task) As max_task,
Count(*) As task_count,
CDate(Sum([time])) As total_time
Group By
Edit - if time is text:
Sum(CDate([time])) As total_time
or forced to date value:
CDate(Sum(CDate([time]))) As total_time