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Can't get path of image in NSBundle?

I am trying to get the path of an image while UITesting. I've tried multiple ways as shown under here, but none are working?

Name of image file is: TestImage.fff

NSBundle* testBundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass: [self class]];
NSString* testImage = [testBundle pathForResource:@"TestImage.fff" ofType:@"fff"];
NSString* testImage2 = [testBundle pathForImageResource:@"TestImage"];
NSURL* testImage3 = [testBundle URLForResource:@"TestImage" withExtension:@"fff"];

Can someone tell me where I am going wrong?


  • Inside XCode, select your test target inside the target list. Then select the Build Phases tab and inside the Copy Bundle Resources phase, add the required resources.

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