For tags with lots of attributes I want to split every single attribute on a new line and it should indent with just a single tab when I press enter to invoke a new line.
Following example output how I want to indent my attributes:
<svg width="300px" height="150px">
<ellipse class="fill-current"
But PhpStorm automatically tries to indent all my lines to the current attribute:
<svg width="300px" height="150px">
<ellipse class="fill-current"
I couldn't find any option in the Settings (Editor -> Code Style -> HTML) to change this behavior. Does anyone know a solution for this problem?
The reasoning behind this is because I use often custom tags in my HTML-Template. Sometimes my own tags are pretty long and are combination of 2 or (in rare cases) 3 words and there it is handy to start all extra attributes on a new line and it shouldn't align on the end of the tag. It is troublesome to indent the attributes on my own. I want to automate it.