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Google Reporting API filter contains both 'and' and 'or' operators

so I'm trying to a convert a custom report on Google analytics to python using the google analytics API v4. In this report the filter is as follow:

(cond1 OR cond2 OR cond3 .. ) AND (condn OR condX ..)

Currently I am using the 'dimensionFilterClauses', but this only allows concatenating the filters with one operator or the other:

"dimensionFilterClauses": [
          "operator": 'AND',
          "filters": [
              "dimensionName": "ga:browser",
              "operator": "EXACT",
              "expressions": ["Chrome"]


I did some more digging and it turned out i need to use segments. But I hit another snag with them as well, as they only allow for 'OR' filter concatenation.

So far, this is what I came up with (this is the code from samples), when I use two different segments, the end result is the two segments which can be differentiated with an extra column. How do I use different filters in the same segment?

      "name":"United States",
                  "expressions":["United States"],


  • I finally figured it out. This is from the API documentation:

    segmentFilters[]: A segment is defined by a set of segment filters which are combined together with a logical AND operation

    All I have to do is combine the two segments into just one segment by adding the OR filters in the segmentFilters list:

    segments = [
                                    "expressions":["whatever you need 1"],
                            }, {    # OR 
                                    "expressions":[" or whatever you need 2"],
                        }, {   # AND 
                                        "expressions":["whatever you need as need 3"],
                                    }, {   # OR 
                                        "expressions":["or whatever you need as need 4"],