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Grails - No class def found error when calling web service

Updated to reflect new error message after changes

Howdy, I am trying to call a web service from Grails, but keep running in to errors.

Here's what my class looks like:



    def serviceUrl = ""
    def proxy = new WSClient(serviceUrl.toString(), this.class.classLoader)
    serviceResult = proxy.FahrenheitToCelsius("80")
    println serviceResult


I am encountering a grails runtime exception:

Error 500: Executing action [index] of controller [myPackage.myController] caused exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/cxf/endpoint/Client

Have been trying to troubleshoot, but have been unable to find any helpful resources. Any help or suggestions on how to remedy would be much appreciated.



  • You missed the new operator it looks like:

    def proxy = new WSClient(serviceUrl.toString(), this.class.classLoader)