I have a problem with countdown timer.I try some of solutions and articles in this site but they never worked for me. so, please read my codes...
also I used
handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
before and it was not my solution but it just worked correctly.
Main question is:
I want to do something like below:
(button pressed)
do some codes1
do other codes2
go back to *do some codes1* again.
In short, this is my real code:
and this is in my functions:
public void setrelax(){
CountDownTimer yourCountDownTimer1 = new CountDownTimer(50000, 1000) {
public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished1) {
TextToSpeechFunction(" "+itotalsnozee);
public void onFinish() {
TextToSpeechFunction("do again");
I tried to use a variable insted of 50000 but it was not useful anyway.
I tried to put setrelax funtion codes directly into oncreate but it never worked. it just jumped to
every times and go out.
I tried all the codes without any delay function and they runned correctly.
what is my wrong please...
You need to remember that your code won't be executed sequentially when using the CountDownTimer
because it's working asynchronously (via Handler).
Let's dissect your code. Your following code here:
public void setrelax(){
// 1. Creating CountDownTimer
CountDownTimer yourCountDownTimer1 = new CountDownTimer(50000, 1000) {
public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished1) {
// 2. onTick called
public void onFinish() {
// 3. onFinish called
// 4. CountDownTimer is cancelled.
will be running in the following sequences:
So, change your algorithm to something like this:
do some codes1
--> When delay finished, do other codes2. Then do delay2
You need to call the next code in the CountDownTimer.onFinish()