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How can I show a results from query in hibernate to table in bootstrap?

I have one project where i use a hibernate spring boot and i want to connect tow tables in one query and show the results in bootstrap table. i made the query and i take the results but it is in List<Oject[]> and i need it in List<MyClass> i think. So can someone help me how to do it...How to put query results in bootstrap table..? The query is:

         CriteriaBuilder builder = getCurrentSession().getCriteriaBuilder();
         CriteriaQuery<Object[]> criteriaQuery = builder.createQuery(Object[].class);

         Root<DocumentBean> rootDept = criteriaQuery.from(DocumentBean.class);
         Root<TableInfoBean> rootEmp = criteriaQuery.from(TableInfoBean.class);

         criteriaQuery.where(builder.equal(rootDept.get("user_id"), rootEmp.get("id")));

         Query<Object[]> query = getCurrentSession().createQuery(criteriaQuery);
         List<Object[]> resl = query.getResultList();
         for (Object[] objects : resl) {
                DocumentBean employee=(DocumentBean)objects[0];
                TableInfoBean department=(TableInfoBean)objects[1];
                System.out.println("EMP NAME="+department.getName()+"\t DEPT NAME="+employee.getNote());
         acUsers =  (List<TableInfoBean>) (Object) resl;

And the tableInfo.jsp

        <c:set var="count" value="1" scope="page" />
           <c:forEach var="userActiv" items="${acUsers}">
                   <td class="center">${count}</td> 
          <c:set var="count" value="${count + 1}" scope="page"/>

How to get results to the Bootstrap table....Thanks !


  • I found the solution, just change :

    for (Object[] objects : result) {
                    DocumentBean documentInfo=(DocumentBean)objects[0];
                    TableInfoBean userInfo=(TableInfoBean)objects[1];
                    System.out.println("Kelner="+userInfo.getName()+"\t Masa="+documentInfo.getNote());
                    TableInfoBean zaedno = new TableInfoBean();