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How to pass user consent to AdMob (GDPR)

I'm using AdMob to serve ads to users in EU. The documentation states that I can pass the user consent status by the following line of code:

AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder() .AddExtra("npa", "1") .Build();

The problem is that this line does not compile. There is no such function as AddExtra on the AdRequst object. I do use the latest AdMob library available.

  implementation ''
  implementation ''

So, how do I actually pass this "npa" value to AdMob.



  • you can add npa using addNetworkExtrasBundle method which like bellow

    Bundle bundleExtra = new Bundle();
            bundleExtra.putString("npa", "1");
            AdRequest addRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()
                    .addNetworkExtrasBundle(AdMobAdapter.class, bundleExtra)

    And also please check bellow official link