I have a quick question involving Copying files.When copying files in a script I am using the following:
os.system('echo f | xcopy /f /y "{source}" "{target}"'.format(source=source, target=target))
I use this because it is MUCH faster than shutil.copyfile(source, target)
. This works fine, but it prints out this ugly prompt string in the console for each file copied (see image below).
And if I compile the program to an exe file (using cx_Freeze
) without the CMD window being open for a GUI, it rapidly opens and closes a CMD window when each file is copying (like a flicker). So if I am copying 30 files, a CMD window flickers open and closed 30 times.
Is there any way to silence this? Maybe through a flag or something? Or possibly some other method entirely that I could use that is as equally as efficient as xcopy
without the annoying prompt and flickering windows?
Thanks in advance.
import os
os.system('echo f | xcopy /y "{source}" "{target}" > nul'.format(source=filename, target=filename_txt))
Works fine in my machine.