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Fatal error: Call to undefined function mssql_connect() in C:\AppServ\Apache24\htdocs\ using apache 2.4 and php5.6

i upgradefrom php version 2.2 to 2.4 and php 5.6 too. The problem is with the new php the function does not support mssql_connect so i installed the new driver for sqlsvr and when i made the Database connection it work fine.

I need some help. How can I change this code from mssql to sqlsvr thanks you and i waiting for your answer.


class C_DBHandler 

 private $db_Host     = "";         // Host, auf dem die DB läuft
 private $db_Database = "";         // zu verwendetende Database
 private $db_User     = "";         // User und Paßwort für Login
 private $db_Password = "";

 private $db_Link     = 0;          // Resultat des connect()
 private $db_Query    = 0;          // Resultat des query()
 private $db_Record   = array();    // aktuelles fetch_array()-Ergebnis
 private $db_Row;                   // Aktuelle Ergebniszeile
 private $db_numRows = "";

 private $LSDconf     = "";
 private $LSDDBconf   = "";
 private static $instance;          // Klasseninstanzname

public function __get($property){
    $Err = C_GetHDL();
    $Err->SetSubject("LSD-Error (property)");
    $Err->SetBody("Attempt to read from not existing property \"$property\". Class: \"".__CLASS__."\"; Triggered by User: \"".$_SESSION['ULogin']."\"");

public function __set($property, $val){
    $Err = C_FuncHandler::GetHDL();
    $Err->SetSubject("LSD-Error (property)");
    $Err->SetBody("Attempt to write \"$val\" to not existing property \"$property\". Class: \"".__CLASS__."\"; Triggered by User: \"".$_SESSION['ULogin']."\"");

function __autoload($className){
    $fileName = $className.'.inc';

private function __construct(){
    require ('');
    require ('');
    $this->LSDconf   = $LSDconf;
    $this->LSDDBconf = $LSDDBconf;

public function __clone()
   trigger_error('Clone is not allowed.', E_USER_ERROR);

public static function GetHDL()
   if (!isset(self::$instance)) {
       $c = __CLASS__;
       self::$instance = new $c;

   return self::$instance;

 private function connect() {
    $this->db_Host      = $this->LSDDBconf['DBSec']['host'];
    $this->db_Database  = $this->LSDDBconf['DBSec']['dbname'];
    $this->db_Password  = $this->LSDDBconf['DBSec']['pwd'];
    $this->db_User      = $this->LSDDBconf['DBSec']['user'];

    if ( 0 == $this->db_Link ) {
        $this->db_Link=mssql_connect($this->db_Host, $this->db_User, $this->db_Password);
        if (!$this->db_Link) {
            die("<br><br><b><font color=\"red\">Invalid SQL connect-DB</font></b>");

        if (!mssql_select_db($this->db_Database,$this->db_Link)) {              $Err->SendAdminInfo("mail_db");
            die("<br><br><b><font color=\"red\">Invalid SQL select-DB</font></b>");


 public function query($Query_String) {
    $this->db_Query = mssql_query($Query_String,$this->db_Link);
    $this->db_Row   = 0;
    if (!$this->db_Query) {
        die("<br><br><b><font color=\"red\">Invalid SQL Query</font></b>");

    return $this->db_Query;

 public function next_record() {
    $this->db_Record = mssql_fetch_array($this->db_Query);
    $this->db_Row   += 1;

    return $this->db_Record;

 public function num_rows(){
    $this->db_numRows = mssql_num_rows($this->db_Query);
    return $this->db_numRows;

 public function rows_affected(){
    $this->db_Query   = mssql_query("SELECT @@ROWCOUNT", $this->db_Link);
    $this->db_numRows = mssql_fetch_row($this->db_Query);
    return $this->db_numRows[0];

public function mssql_addslashes($MyString) {
    $MyString = str_replace("'", "''", $MyString);
    return $MyString;

public function Setdb_Query($val){
    $this->db_Query = $val;

public function Getdb_Query(){
    return $this->db_Query;



  • Changes, that have to be made, to migrate from MSSQL to SQLSRV extensions of PHP:


    Functions mssql_connect() and mssql_select_db() must be replaced with sqlsrv_connect():

    public function connect() {
        $this->db_Host      = $this->LSDDBconf['DBSec']['host'];
        $this->db_Database  = $this->LSDDBconf['DBSec']['dbname'];
        $this->db_Password  = $this->LSDDBconf['DBSec']['pwd'];
        $this->db_User      = $this->LSDDBconf['DBSec']['user'];
        if ( 0 == $this->db_Link ) {
            $this->db_Link = sqlsrv_connect($this->db_Host, array("Database"=>$this->db_Database, "UID"=>$this->db_User, "PWD"=>$this->db_Password));
            if ($this->db_Link === false) {
               die("<br><br><b><font color=\"red\">Invalid SQL connect-DB</font></b>");


    public function query($Query_String) {
        # SQLSRV_CURSOR_FORWARD - Lets you move one row at a time starting at the first row of the result set until you reach the end of the result set.
        # This is the default cursor type. sqlsrv_num_rows returns an error for result sets created with this cursor type.
        # SQLSRV_CURSOR_STATIC - Lets you access rows in any order but will not reflect changes in the database.
        # SQLSRV_CURSOR_DYNAMIC - Lets you access rows in any order and will reflect changes in the database. 
        # sqlsrv_num_rows returns an error for result sets created with this cursor type.
        # SQLSRV_CURSOR_KEYSET - Lets you access rows in any order. However, a keyset cursor does not update the row count if a row is deleted from the
        # table (a deleted row is returned with no values).
        # SQLSRV_CURSOR_CLIENT_BUFFERED - Lets you access rows in any order. Creates a client-side cursor query.
        $this->db_Query = sqlsrv_query($this->db_Link, $Query_String, array(), array("Scrollable" => SQLSRV_CURSOR_KEYSET));
        $this->db_Row   = 0;
        if (!$this->db_Query) {
            die("<br><br><b><font color=\"red\">Invalid SQL Query</font></b>");
        return $this->db_Query;

    Fetch record:

    public function next_record() {
        # SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC - sqlsrv_fetch_array returns the next row of data as anassociative array.
        # SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH - sqlsrv_fetch_array returns the next row of data as an array with both numeric and associative keys. This is the default value.
        # SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC - sqlsrv_fetch_array returns the next row of data as a numerically indexed array
        $this->db_Record = sqlsrv_fetch_array($this->db_Query, SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH);
        $this->db_Row   += 1;
        return $this->db_Record;

    Row count:

    public function num_rows(){
        # sqlsrv_num_rows requires a client-side, static, or keyset cursor, and will return false if you use a forward cursor or
        # a dynamic cursor. (A forward cursor is the default.) For more information about cursors, see sqlsrv_query and Cursor Types (SQLSRV Driver).
        $this->db_numRows = sqlsrv_num_rows($this->db_Query);
        return $this->db_numRows;
    public function rows_affected(){
        $this->db_Query   = sqlsrv_query($this->db_Link, "SELECT @@ROWCOUNT");
        $this->db_numRows = sqlsrv_fetch_array($this->db_Query, SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC);
        return $this->db_numRows[0];


    You can read Brian Swan's article and Microsoft documentation.