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Spring Data JPA, parametrize @EntityGraph in CrudRepository interface

Is it possible with Spring Data JPA to do smth. like this:

public interface UserDao extends CrudRepository<User, Long> {

@EntityGraph(value = :graphName, type = EntityGraph.EntityGraphType.LOAD)
    @Query(value = "SELECT DISTINCT u FROM User u")
    List<User> findAllWithDetailsByGraphName(@Param(value="graphName") String graphName);


to be able to pass the graphName into method at run-time and invoke the load with a need set of collections? This construction is not working, producing compile time error. Any plays around it also failed...

So, I have multiple collections in User class, which I want to load on condition;

        @NamedEntityGraph(name = "User.details", attributeNodes = {
                @NamedAttributeNode("phones"), @NamedAttributeNode("emails"), @NamedAttributeNode("pets")}),
        @NamedEntityGraph(name = "User.phones", attributeNodes =
        @NamedEntityGraph(name = "User.emails", attributeNodes =
        @NamedEntityGraph(name = "User.pets", attributeNodes =
public class User {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy= GenerationType.AUTO, generator="native")
    @GenericGenerator(name = "native", strategy = "native")
    private Long userId;

    private String name;

// more fields omitted

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "user", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    private Set<Phone> phones;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "user", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    private Set<Email> emails;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "user", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
    private Set<Pet> pets;

Now, I only must declare all the methods implicitly, like this:

@EntityGraph(value = "User.phones", type = EntityGraph.EntityGraphType.LOAD)
@Query(value = "SELECT DISTINCT u FROM User u")
List<User> findAllWithPhones();

Thnaks you for suggestions!


  • You can define a base JPA repository that accepts the entity graph as a parameter. This is particularly useful in combination with Specifications. Therefore, here follows an example based on Specifications. It's also possible to construct other queries, using different types of arguments.

    public interface MyBaseRepository<T, ID extends Serializable> extends PagingAndSortingRepository<T, ID> {
        T findOne(Specification<T> spec, EntityGraphType entityGraphType, String entityGraphName);
        List<T> findAll(Specification<T> spec, Sort sort, EntityGraphType entityGraphType, String entityGraphName);

    Implement the base repository:

    public class MyBaseRepositoryImpl<T, ID extends Serializable> extends SimpleJpaRepository<T, ID> implements MyBaseRepository<T, ID> {
        private EntityManager em;
        public MyBaseRepositoryImpl(JpaEntityInformation<T, ?> entityInformation, EntityManager entityManager) {
            super(entityInformation, entityManager);
            this.em = entityManager;
        public MyBaseRepositoryImpl(Class<T> domainClass, EntityManager em) {
            super(domainClass, em);
            this.em = em;
        public T findOne(Specification<T> spec, EntityGraph.EntityGraphType entityGraphType, String entityGraphName) {
            TypedQuery<T> query = getQuery(spec, (Sort) null);
            query.setHint(entityGraphType.getKey(), em.getEntityGraph(entityGraphName));
            return query.getSingleResult();
        public List<T> findAll(Specification<T> spec, Sort sort, EntityGraph.EntityGraphType entityGraphType, String entityGraphName) {
            TypedQuery<T> query = getQuery(spec, sort);
            query.setHint(entityGraphType.getKey(), em.getEntityGraph(entityGraphName));
            return query.getResultList();

    Specify the custom base repository:

    <jpa:repositories base-package="my.domain" base-class="my.repository.MyBaseRepositoryImpl" />

    Extend from custom base repository:

    public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long>, MyBaseRepository<User, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<User> {

    Use the custom repository's method:

    Specification mySpecs = ...
    List<User> user = picklistRepository.findAll(mySpecs, EntityGraphType.LOAD, "User.phones");