I am getting following exception when trying to integrate a library to my project using cocoa pods.
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/XCTest.framework/XCTest Referenced from: /Users/shoaibahmedqureshi/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/CBC381BC-854F-41D6-8D4C-90C2850459AD/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/095CDEFA-A79A-4235-B046-68277D5C14EB/EasyGridExample.app/EasyGridExample Reason: image not found
I have myself created that open source library so I am open to tweaks and suggestions to that library as well in case issue lies there.
Github link to Project : https://github.com/shoaibahmedqureshi/EasyGridsExample
Github link to Library : https://github.com/shoaibahmedqureshi/EasyGrids
1.clean and build 2.delete DerivedData folder
make sure you have add your library in embedded binaries