I am running SQL queries in Python using Pandasql. The queries x, y and z work fine but u gives an error
x = pysql("select * from flight f left join iata i on f.ORIGIN = i.IATA;")
y = pysql("select * from flight f inner join iata i on f.ORIGIN = i.IATA;")
z = pysql("select * from flight, iata where flight.ORIGIN = iata.IATA;")
u = pysql("select * from flight f, iata i where f.ORIGIN = i.IATA;")
The error message is
PandaSQLException: (sqlite3.OperationalError) no such table: iata [SQL: 'select * from flight f, iata i where f.ORIGIN = i.IATA;']
Question: What is wrong with u? It looks like we can use aliases in a join without mentioning left, right, inner etc. Is this true?
Because you must explicitly alias it with AS when using old style joins
select * from flight f, iata i where f.ORIGIN = i.IATA;
select * from flight AS f, iata AS i where f.ORIGIN = i.IATA;