is it possible to create a fstring inside a fstring?
what i am trying now is to create a dynamic function using eval.
my code is something like this
func_string = ''
for scenario in ['scene1', 'scene2']:
for aa in ['int', 'ext']:
func_string += f'''
def function_{scenario}_{aa}(part):
print(f"this is {part}")
running this script will return: this is part1
You can make a factory method like this ...
def factory(a, b):
def g(c):
print(f'this is {c}')
return f'other stuff using {a}, {b} and {c}' # if you want to
return g
then use it like
>>> f = factory('scene1', 'int')
>>> msg = f('part1')
this is part1
>>> print(msg)
other stuff using scene1, int and part1