<action android:name="com.android.vending.INSTALL_REFERRER" />
I test my app on Galaxy S8+, Oreo 8.0.0 with referrerSender. There is something wrong, and it likes: enter image description here
It works well on another phone(Android 5.1.1)
Try this with Android Oreo 8.0.0 or above: https://support.appsflyer.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000427963-Android-Generating-a-Non-Organic-Install
Please follow these steps:
(1) Ensure that your device is whitelisted on AF dashboard
(2) Ensure that you do not have the app installed on your device
(3) Click on the tracking link https://app.appsflyer.com/YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME?pid=MEDIA_SOURCE&advertising_id=YOUR_GOOGLE_ADVERTISING_ID (you will be redirected to the Google Play but you can ignore it)
(4) Install the APK build
(5) Launch the app
(6) The dashboard should show one non-organic install with media source = MEDIA_SOURCE
Hope the above helps.