I'm hoping to reshape a dataframe in R so that a set of columns read in with duplicated names, and then renamed as var, var.1, var.2, anothervar, anothervar.1, anothervar.2 etc. can be treated as independent observations. I would like the number appended to the variable name to be used as the observation so that I can melt my data.
For example,
dat <- data.frame(ID=1:3, var=c("A", "A", "B"),
anothervar.1 = c(1,2,3))
> dat
ID var anothervar var.1 anothervar.1
1 1 A 5 C 1
2 2 A 6 D 2
3 3 B 7 E 3
How can I reshape the data so it looks like the following:
ID obs var anothervar
1 1 A 5
1 2 C 1
2 1 A 6
2 2 D 2
3 1 B 7
3 2 E 3
Thank you for your help!
We can use melt
from data.table
that takes multiple patterns
in the measure
melt(setDT(dat), measure = patterns("^var", "anothervar"),
variable.name = "obs", value.name = c("var", "anothervar"))[order(ID)]
# ID obs var anothervar
#1: 1 1 A 5
#2: 1 2 C 1
#3: 2 1 A 6
#4: 2 2 D 2
#5: 3 1 B 7
#6: 3 2 E 3