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Installed Kubernetes on Ubuntu and I see a lot of nodes are getting created in MAAS

After installing kubernetes, I see a huge list of nodes and yet still increasing (whats going on?):

aware-code aware-yak casual-corgi casual-whale casual-mole clear-hound close-liger cool-troll decent-beetle divine-bug driven-drake easy-cod equal-frog equal-swan exotic-earwig expert-cow expert-slug fair-bee first-dog frank-monkey gentle-racer good-koi grown-bunny guided-eft handy-wahoo hip-hornet holy-bass holy-hen intent-bear large-kit

I can't find that list on Kubernetes, but I can see it in MAAS (since I started setting up Kubernetes, I've been watching MAAS so I know that this started since installing Kubernetes)

Here are all of the pods that I have (installed by default with Kubernetes) if anyone can really know if any of this is causing this enter image description here

And here is the list of VMs that has been created after Kubernetes installation (there are a lot more than that) enter image description here


  • To clarify, the way that conjure-up canonical-kubernetes works is: conjure-up drives Juju and asks it to deploy the cluster to whatever the appropriate cloud is (in this case, MAAS), Juju then asks MAAS to give it machines (or, in this case, spin up VMs) for each node needed to run the cluster, Juju then deploys the appropriate charm code for each application to the VMs, and finally the charm code installs and configures the appropriate kubernetes or other components for the role that that VM is playing in the cluster.

    The "try was stopped" error from conjure-up is originally coming from Juju, probably due to the VMs being stopped out from under it. Manually running juju list-models might provide some more info there, but I certainly would expect Juju to provide a better error message than that.

    As for where the VMs came from in the first place, it's hard to say without more info. The conjure-up logs (in ~/.cache/conjure-up/conjure-up.log) would be very helpful. Is it possible that you ran conjure-up multiple times? Each time you ran that, it would create a new model in Juju with a new deployment of Kubernetes, which would take up ~8 new VMs. If you encountered some error when running conjure-up, it may still have started the cluster but failed watching for it to become ready or in doing one of the post-processing steps. Again, that info would be in the conjure-up.log file.

    Once you have started a deployment, you can use juju list-models and juju status -m <model-name> to check the status of the deployment using Juju. This will provide details about exactly which machines the cluster is using for which units, as well as what the status of each of those machines according to the charm (i.e., whether it's successfully participating in the cluster).