Search code examples

How to SORT in order as entered in SQL Server?

I'm using SQL Server and I'm trying to find results but I would like to get the results in the same order as I had input the conditions.

My code:

    AccountNumber, EndDate
    AccountNumber IN (212345, 312345, 145687, 658975, 256987, 365874, 568974, 124578, 125689)   -- I would like the results to be in the same order as these numbers.


  • Here is an in-line approach


    Declare @List varchar(max)='212345, 312345, 145687, 658975, 256987, 365874, 568974, 124578, 125689'
    Select A.AccountNumber 
     From  Accounts A
     Join (
            Select RetSeq = Row_Number() over (Order By (Select null))
                  ,RetVal = v.value('(./text())[1]', 'int')
            From  (values (convert(xml,'<x>' + replace(@List,',','</x><x>')+'</x>'))) x(n)
            Cross Apply n.nodes('x') node(v)
          ) B on A.AccountNumber = B.RetVal
     Order By B.RetSeq

    EDIT - the subquery Returns

    RetSeq  RetVal
    1       212345
    2       312345
    3       145687
    4       658975
    5       256987
    6       365874
    7       568974
    8       124578
    9       125689