I have a return data frame (xts, zoo object) of size 1379 x 843. It should be read as date x security.
This is an example of the input:
BIIB.US.Equity JNJ.US.Equity BLUE.US.Equity BMRN.US.Equity AGN.US.Equity
2018-06-15 -0.5126407 0.001633853 -0.070558376 0.0846854857 -0.004426559
2018-06-18 -0.052158804 -0.310521165 -0.035226652 -0.0206967213 -0.008430535
2018-06-19 0.010099613 0.010303330 0.006510048 0.0004184976 0.007745167
2018-06-20 0.016504588 -0.004324060 0.029808774 0.0284459318 0.012366368
2018-06-21 0.001616924 -0.004834480 0.023211360 0.0009151922 -0.015411839
2018-06-22 -0.004136679 0.010374640 -0.065652522 0.0097023265 0.005322048
Now I would like to return a different list:
BIIB.US.Equity JNJ.US.Equity
2018-06-15 -0.5126407 0.001633853
2018-06-18 -0.052158804 -0.30521165
2018-06-19 0.010099613 0.010303330
2018-06-20 0.016504588 -0.004324060
2018-06-21 0.001616924 -0.004834480
2018-06-22 -0.004136679 0.010374640
As you can see the second list only contains 2 columns because there is a dip in 51% on the first security at time 2018-06-15, and a dip in 30% on the second security in the second at time 2018-06-18. Both of which exceed the threshold of 30%
What I want is to get a new data frame from my current which selects securities where there is an instance of a 30% drop in security return or greater.
Currently I have tried:
df1 <- returns < -.3
but this returns the error:
Error in `[.xts`(returns, df1) : 'i' or 'j' out of range
I have also tried this:
cls <- sapply(returns, function(c) any(c < -.3))
a<- returns[, cls, with = FALSE]
Yet that returns a matrix of the same size, only with a lot of NA values. Is there something I am missing?
Basically what I'd expect to get out is a data frame "df" of size 1379 x (something less than 843) where df is all columns where there is an instance of a daily drop of -.3 or less.
To those that have tried to help, thank you, but the output returns as such (I assigned the call to a):
> a
BIIB.US.Equity JNJ.US.Equity BLUE.US.Equity BMRN.US.Equity AGN.US.Equity PFE.US.Equity NBIX.US.Equity
> summary(a)
Min. :NA
1st Qu.:NA
Median :NA
Mean :NA
3rd Qu.:NA
Max. :NA
> str(a)
An 'xts' object of zero-width
This should work:
df[, sapply(df, function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE) <= -0.3)]