I have a table like this :
CustName Country RecordedTime
Alex Australia 2018-Jun-01 08:00 AM
Alex China 2018-Jun-01 10:00 AM
Alex Japan 2018-Jun-01 11:00 AM
John Australia 2018-Jun-01 08:00 AM
John China 2018-Jun-02 08:00 AM
Bob Australia 2018-Jun-02 09:00 AM
Bob Brazil 2018-Jun-03 09:50 AM
If the record is brand new in the system then it should show 'ADD' & 'NEW' in Audit and history fields (two additional fields in result set) for the given date.
If the record got edited twice that day then it should show two entries with 'ADD' & 'CHANGE ' in Audit fields and 'BEFORE' & 'CURRENT' in History state fields respectively for the given date.
For example this is how my result should appear;
When I pass input date as 2018-Jun-01 then the output should be as below:
CustName Country RecordedTime Audit History
Alex Australia 2018-Jun-01 08:00 AM ADD NEW
Alex China 2018-Jun-01 10:00 AM CHANGE BEFORE
Alex Japan 2018-Jun-01 11:00 AM CHANGE CURRENT
John Australia 2018-Jun-01 08:00 AM ADD NEW
When I pass the input date as 2018-Jun-02 then the output should be as below:
CustName Country RecordedTime Audit History
John China 2018-Jun-02 08:00 AM CHANGE CURRENT
Bob Australia 2018-Jun-02 09:00 AM ADD NEW
When I pass input date as 2018-Jun-02 then the output should be as below:
CustName Country RecordedTime Audit History
Bob Brazil 2018-Jun-03 09:50 AM CHANGE CURRENT
I tried many ways but still I'm missing some scenarios to achieve this. Can someone please shed some light on this?
One way to do it is via a cte like below where we have row_number() function to track the sequence both ways.
See live demo
; with cte as
select *, rn= row_number() over(partition by CustName order by RecordedTime),
rn2=row_number() over(partition by CustName order by RecordedTime desc)
from records
, cte2 as
select *, audit='New', History='Change' from cte where rn=1
select *, audit='Change', History='Current' from cte where rn2=1 and rn<>1
select *, audit='Change', History='before' from cte where rn>1 and rn2<>1
from cte2
order by CustName,RecordedTime