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How to decorate Siesta request with an asynchronous task

What is the correct way to alter a Request performing an asynchronous task before the Request happens?

So any request Rn need to become transparently Tn then Rn.

A little of background here: The Task is a 3rd party SDK that dispatch a Token I need to use as Header for the original request.

My idea is to decorate the Rn, but in doing this I need to convert my Tn task into a Siesta Request I can chain then.

So I wrapped the Asynchronous Task and chained to my original request. Thus any Rn will turn into Tn.chained { .passTo(Rn) } In that way, this new behaviour is entirely transparent for the whole application.

The problem

Doing this my code end up crashing in a Siesta internal precondition: precondition(completedValue == nil, "notifyOfCompletion() already called")

In my custom AsyncTaskRequest I collect the callbacks for success, failure, progress etc, in order to trigger them on the main queue when the SDK deliver the Token.

I noticed that removing all the stored callback once they are executed, the crash disappear, but honestly I didn't found the reason why.

I hope there are enough informations for some hints or suggests. Thank you in advance.


  • Yes, implementing Siesta’s Request interface is no picnic. Others have had exactly the same problem — and luckily Siesta version 1.4 includes a solution.

    Documentation for the new feature is still thin. To use the new API, you’ll implement the new RequestDelegate protocol, and pass your implementation to Resource.prepareRequest(using:). That will return a request that you can use in a standard Siesta request chain. The result will look something like this (WARNING – untested code):

    struct MyTokenHandlerThingy: RequestDelegate {
      // 3rd party SDK glue goes here
    service.configure(…) {
      if let authToken = self.authToken {
        $0.headers["X-Auth-Token"] = authToken  // authToken is an instance var or something
      $0.decorateRequests {
        self.refreshTokenOnAuthFailure(request: $1)
    func refreshTokenOnAuthFailure(request: Request) -> Request {
      return request.chained {
        guard case .failure(let error) = $0.response,  // Did request fail…
          error.httpStatusCode == 401 else {           // …because of expired token?
            return .useThisResponse                    // If not, use the response we got.
        return .passTo(
          self.refreshAuthToken().chained {            // If so, first request a new token, then:
            if case .failure = $0.response {           // If token request failed…
              return .useThisResponse                  // …report that error.
            } else {
              return .passTo(request.repeated())       // We have a new token! Repeat the original request.
    func refreshAuthToken() -> Request {
      return Request.prepareRequest(using: MyTokenHandlerThingy())
        .onSuccess {
          self.authToken = $0.jsonDict["token"] as? String  // Store the new token, then…
          self.invalidateConfiguration()                    // …make future requests use it

    To understand how to implement RequestDelegate, you best bet for now is to look at the new API docs directly in the code.

    Since this is a brand new feature not yet released, I’d greatly appreciate a report on how it works for you and any troubles you encounter.