I have a list of item like this: (the number of item lists can vary)
<h3>My title</h3>
<a href="http://myurl.com">http://myurl.com</a>
<span class="t">text</span>
<h3>My title</h3>
<a href="http://myurl.com">http://myurl.com</a>
<span class="t">text</span>
How with beautiful soup I could get all these data so I can put all of them is a list to have a result like this : [{'title': h3, 'url': url, 'title': title}, {'title': h3, 'url': url, 'title': title}, ...] ?
thank you
You could iterate over your HTML's contents like so (assuming that your data is held in html_data
import bs4
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_data)
my_list = []
for i in range(len(soup.body.contents), step=3):
my_list.append({'title1': soup.body.contents[i], 'url': soup.body.contents[i+1], 'title2': soup.body.contents[i+2]})
This of course only works under the premise that your data resides on the same level and is not nested in any way. If it's not, then you should post a valid chunk of your test data and its structure.