I wanted to put custom label on highcharts which should be placed on left side of scrollbar. How can I get top and left position of scrollbar.?
I have put label with following code
chart.renderer.text('<span style="font-weight:600;"> 1-21 </span>', 20, 120)
color: 'green',
fontSize: '12px'
You can get position of the scrollbar using chart.xAxis[0].scrollbar.group.translateX
and chart.xAxis[0].scrollbar.group.translateY
, for example: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/KeBxNj?editors=1010
var chart = Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'bar',
marginLeft: 150,
events: {
load: function () {
var scrollbar = this.xAxis[0].scrollbar,
// Render:
this.customLabel = this.renderer.text('<span style="font-weight:600;"> 1-21 </span>', 0, 0).attr({
zIndex: 5
// Get bbox
bbox = this.customLabel.getBBox();
// Position label
x: scrollbar.group.translateX - bbox.width,
y: scrollbar.group.translateY + bbox.height